About Me

I believe living a healthy life isn't just about what goes into your body, but what truly nourishes your body, mind and soul. Nourishing yourself with good food and nutrients, your mind with things from above and your soul with more of Jesus, is what will help you to flourish and live a life of health that you really love.

" Whatever is True, whatever is Honorable, whatever is Just, whatever is Pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is Commendable - if there is any Moral Excellence and if there is anything Praiseworthy - DWELL on these things." - Philippians 4:9

I have a love and passion for health and creating healthy balanced treats and tasty meals. I am a stay at home mom, wife and coffee dates are my love language. I love Jesus and am still learning and growing daily on this walk of life, continually working on nourishing my spirit and soul.

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

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I love Substack because this isn’t just a place to scroll but a place to create and build a community of like-minded ladies.

My hope is that this will be a fun loving space for us to learn and grow together in a little community that truly wants to live a life that we can flourish in and love, despite the struggles we may be facing. A place to learn how to nourish our body, mind and soul and grow our faith.

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Be part of a community of ladies who all love food, health, Jesus and a good coffee date. Participate in the comments section, or support my writing work with a subscription. You can subscribe at any time.

I look forward to seeing you in the comments!

Nicole xx

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Subscribe to Healthy Life Loving

Healthy living isn't only what you eat, but what you do to nourish your body, mind and soul to live a life of health that you truly love. A community of women who love food, health and Jesus!


I love health, coffee dates, food that nourishes but tastes good and JESUS! I love sharing my passion for all of these things and all of the things in between that I love and nourish my soul 🌿